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Bringing brands to life - Featured Image

Bringing brands to life by aligning advertising and experience

Brands communicate their value to consumers through promises and designers bring these promises to life through experience.

Advertising and experience must match to bring brands to life.

A false or incomplete promise in advertising leads to failure as it raises questions on integrity of the product. 

Regardless of how great visuals, videos of the products, or fascinating commitments are being used in advertising.

The moment of truth comes when customers experience the product itself and then determine whether the advertised matches up with the experience.


Bringing brands to life – Advertising and experience matches

Apple is known for its consistent and sleek branding. Its advertising focuses on simplicity, innovation, and user experience, and this is reflected in its products.

Amazon‘s advertising emphasizes convenience, a vast selection, and quick delivery. The brand has built its reputation on delivering a seamless and efficient online shopping experience. 

Misalignments between advertising and the actual user experience

Starbucks’ “Race Together” campaign 2015, meant to spark conversations about race, faced challenges. The brand wanted to raise awareness,

but the way it was executed received mixed reactions and criticism, affecting the campaign’s success.

The Fyre Festival is a pivotal example of how a significant mismatch between advertising and the actual customer experience can lead to adverse brand reputation and legal consequences.

The Fyre Festival faced legal actions and financial penalties and became a tale for the importance of delivering on advertising promises.

When designers and advertisers team up, they create a smooth and unforgettable brand experience that brings brands to life.


Based on the insights shared in CREATIVE STRATEGY and BUSINESS OF DESIGN by DOUGHLAS DAVIS and my own 2 decades of experience in design industry

Creative Strategy and the Business of Design Book Cover
Creative Strategy and the Business of Design Book Cover

Book – Creative Strategy and the Business of Design

Steve Jobs on Quality

About the author



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