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Creative Confidence – Unleashing the creative potential within us all

A quick book summary of Creative Confidence by TOM KELLEY & DAVID KELLEY

Part 1: Flip – From design thinking to Creative Confidence.

Creative confidence is the belief in the potential for learning and growth through adopting a growth mindset.

In our minds, we all have a bit of both mindsets. The fixed mindset may say, “We’ve never been good at anything creative,” while the growth mindset whispers, “Effort is the path to mastery.”

Part 2: Dare – From fear to courage

Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan. To truly learn from failure, one must take ownership of it. Acknowledging that failure and making mistakes are integral parts of the learning journey can transform fear into courage.

Drawing inspiration from the world of gaming, understand the lessons of effort and failure. In the gaming realm, progressing from one level to the next can shift mindset towards a state of creative confidence.

Part 3: Spark – From blank page to insight

Approach problems with a fresh perspective to uncover solutions. Embrace the viewpoint of a traveller and maintain a beginner’s mindset, allowing you to observe details that might typically go unnoticed.

Don’t be fooled by what you know for sure about your customer. Gaining a flash of insight is never as easy as switching on a light. 

Simple change in perspective can spark new insight. If you let go of what you know, you can start to look at things with fresh eyes. 

Part 4: Leap – From planning to Action

Adopt a “Do something” mindset, minimise planning and maximise action. Swiftly and cost-effectively create prototypes, and always go into meetings armed with a prototype.

“Stop saying I’m trying, just do it!””

A few boundary conditions and constraints can actually boost creativity. Rather than setting one major deadline, incorporate several mini-deadlines into the process.

Embracing the concept of taking immediate action turns small experiments into a crucial means of gaining new knowledge and insights.

Part 5: Seek – From duty to passion

The significance of your career or position isn’t solely determined by others’ opinions. It’s about how you perceive your job, aligning it with your dreams, passion, and calling. Tap into your inner reservoirs of energy and enthusiasm.

Money is easy to measure, but valuing matters of the heart takes more effort. Once you reach a certain point, money doesn’t guarantee happiness, and there’s a risk of falling into the “looks good, feel bad” trap.

Part 6: Team – Creatively confident groups

Unleashing our individual creative potential is impactful, but certain changes demand a collective effort. Encourage innovative practices throughout the organisation.

Creating a creative organisation involves instilling creative confidence in key players and fostering it from top to bottom.

To shift attitudes and behaviours, start by altering the language used, as it plays a role in shaping culture. Refine your group’s vocabulary and observe the positive impact it has on your culture.

“Spur more innovation is to nurture the innovator.”

Part 7 – Move – Creative confidence to go

Develop creative thinking as a pathway to creative confidence. Challenge yourself to think divergently, serving as a bridge to enhance your creative confidence.

Various activities, such as mind-maps, can be powerful tools for generating ideas or gaining clarity on an exploration topic.

To maximise your creative output, avoid relying on short-term memory. Capture all your thoughts immediately somewhere easy to reach.

Part 8 – Next – embrace creative confidence

The most effective way to build creative confidence in your abilities is through gradual action. Take one step at a time.

Set a creative goal, like recording at least one new idea or inspiration in a daily journal for the next month.

Immerse yourself in a community of like-minded innovators. Seek out a group to join, whether online or in person.

Book Summary


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