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Identifying features that have a significant impact - Featured Image

Identifying features that have a significant impact

Differentiation is crucial for distinguishing a product from its competitors. Features set the product apart by delivering benefits and value to users, making them more inclined to pay a premium for it or select it over other options in the market.

Focus on benefits and values rather than just features.


Values are at the core.

Values are emotional triggers that drive behavior and extend beyond mere utility. To convince someone why our product is essential in their life, we must answer the question, ‘Why should I care?’”

The importance of value is substantial when it comes to discerning the features necessary for a product.


ProductTarget AudienceFeatures
(What does the product offer?)
(What’s in it for me?)
(Why should I care?)
Skill Development tool in an organisationEngineersMentor/Mentee platformInteraction with skill expert in the desired skillFeeling confident and growing

How does the value of “Feeling confident and growing” affect a person’s life? Address this question consistently during the execution phase.


Based on the insights shared in CREATIVE STRATEGY and BUSINESS OF DESIGN by DOUGHLAS DAVIS and my own 2 decades of experience in design industry

Creative Strategy and the Business of Design Book Cover
Creative Strategy and the Business of Design Book Cover

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